Developing a place for real people to bring truth to challenges
Help us start a positive conversation and use the power of the internet to make the world a better place
Economics o Education
Energy o Governance
Healthcare o Social Beliefs
To begin and sustain a dialogue about the challenges facing our nations our people, our planet and develop a consensus of opinion about constructive ways that we, as a people living on this planet might make it a better place for all of us.
There seems to be a common awareness that the world is not all that it should, or could be, though it appears there is little agreement on specifics about what is to be done to make it a better place. Unfortunately what benefits one group may often harm another in some way. Mutual recognition of this challenge is the starting point, and the logical next step is re-learning the art of compromise which would appear to be an endangered species in many places around the globe.
With compromise, all parties give up something for overall universal benefit. Ideally this website will become a place where reasonable minds can raise serious issues, from opposing viewpoints, and yet reach some consensus on possible resolutions, and then if we are able to gain a significant following, create a significant voice for those who believe in compromise and are tired of rhetoric, legislative stagnation, and undue influence in the legislative process.
Sadly the conversation on this website may be a little one-sided at the outset, since there is no real budget at this point, though over time perhaps we can secure enough financial support to make it more robust. For now I will plan to post an occasional topic of interest and be as objective as possible. If you would be interested in knowing about new posts, let me know. As we learn about who might be interested and how they would like to be contacted we will explore notification options via Twitter and Facebook.
In the meantime if you would like to share your e-mail address I will try and let you know when new posts go up and incorporate your thoughts as I am able to post about new issues. I have elected not to set this up as a Blog. I see it more as a place where a broad array of challenges and diverse opinions about those challenges, can be discussed, organized and retained in a logical manner. Optimistically, occasionally these may lead to consensus on REAL solutions for particularly challenging issues, that can be given weight in the political and legislative process.
If this approach makes sense and you would like to be part of the solution, please click on the “Contact” tab above, let me know what topics you might be interested in seeing discussed, and I will keep you updated on our growth.
Thank you for your interest.
Robert Beman
With compromise, all parties give up something for overall universal benefit. Ideally this website will become a place where reasonable minds can raise serious issues, from opposing viewpoints, and yet reach some consensus on possible resolutions, and then if we are able to gain a significant following, create a significant voice for those who believe in compromise and are tired of rhetoric, legislative stagnation, and undue influence in the legislative process.
Sadly the conversation on this website may be a little one-sided at the outset, since there is no real budget at this point, though over time perhaps we can secure enough financial support to make it more robust. For now I will plan to post an occasional topic of interest and be as objective as possible. If you would be interested in knowing about new posts, let me know. As we learn about who might be interested and how they would like to be contacted we will explore notification options via Twitter and Facebook.
In the meantime if you would like to share your e-mail address I will try and let you know when new posts go up and incorporate your thoughts as I am able to post about new issues. I have elected not to set this up as a Blog. I see it more as a place where a broad array of challenges and diverse opinions about those challenges, can be discussed, organized and retained in a logical manner. Optimistically, occasionally these may lead to consensus on REAL solutions for particularly challenging issues, that can be given weight in the political and legislative process.
If this approach makes sense and you would like to be part of the solution, please click on the “Contact” tab above, let me know what topics you might be interested in seeing discussed, and I will keep you updated on our growth.
Thank you for your interest.
Robert Beman